AMX Alarm Management Server from AudioText Telecom is now certified for Alcatel-Lucent, Siemens, the large Panasonic telephone exchange TDA 600 and the latest Nortel CS 1000, Version 5.0.
Since the launch of AMX Junior in 2006 several successful projects with NexSpan (Aastra), Businessphone (Ericsson), Alcatel OXO and Panasonic have been realized. This "AMX" entry version is now available in two versions. Messages will be forwarded only as text message or additionally as voice message. The integration of Ericssons Businesphone allows powerful solutions with dedicated individual monitoring (DECT dead man's control)
EKZ is one of the major Swiss power authorities. The business division Eltop designs, creates and maintains electric installations and installations in the area of heavy and feeble current. Eltop decided to collaborate with AudioText Telecom AG for complex projects in the area of Alarm Management. The first project with several decentralised locations (IP networking) and the central Alarm Management Server AMX has been successfully put into operation in a Zurich community.
Philip Morris International (PMI) with domicile in Lausanne, Switzerland is one of the major manufacturer of tobacco products. When the first Alarm Managment Server (AMX) had been implemented successfully, PMI ordered a second web based AMX for their new branch in Rhodanie. The AMX is integrated into a CISCO environment and includes an automized processing of the external interfaces Desigo, CETEC, Securiton and also the control center option for ad-hoc alerting. With this option it is possible to choose from a variety of group, attendant, speech or text message templates and to link them. Furthermore ad-hoc modification and extension of the existing templates is possible. Additionally the multi-client capability allows the individual organizations a secure use and modification of their own data on a centralized Alarm Management Server. Data of other organizations, which are using the same platform, are invisible and therefore unchangeable. Realtime Reporting, whereby the actual state of available staff (confirmation) during a mobilization is always tracebale, tops-off the installation.
Since autumn 2001 Axpo Informatik AG, as a professional IT partner of the electric utility Axpo and the attached cantonal electric utilities, provides services in the technical and commercial information technology. Axpo Informatik AG currently attends to 3200 customers and about 500 applications in Switzerland and several destinations within Europe.The IT helpdesk is assisted by the web based Communication Management solution "CMX" so that it is capable of a highly individual and SLA (Service Level Agreement) oriented customer liasion and support. Depending on the callers country of origin CMX forwards the caller according to the weekday/holiday and time to an adequate agent. CMX offers a decentral placement of the agents. Therefore it is possible to include home offices or external organizations among the workplaces in the internal IT network, into the process. Axpo Informatik AG has decided to upgrade the existing installation with an emergency system to obtain redundancy. The upgrade has been realized in Q4, 2007.
The national alarm central NAZ is the specialist department of the federal authorities that is responsible for extraordinary events. The NAZ is a division of the Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz (BABS). The field of functions consists of the management of events like radioactivity, chemical accident, embakement dam burst and spill over, satellite crash and natural disaster. The existing Alarm Management Server (AMX) has been updated to the current state of the art. NAZ mobilizes in case of emergency with the new web based solution of ATT the responsible individuals in a very short time. The messages can be assembled ad hoc based on the event as a voice or a text message. The reporting allows an immediate corrective intervention, if not enough individuals were reached.
Sulzer Management AG operates the IT services of the Sulzer divisions. These services include all web platforms, groupware- and LDAP-root / DNS systems as well as various SAP applications. The whole IT and computer center infrastructure is monitored by the Alarm Management System "AMX". While scanning the Network Management System (NMS) information occuring problems will be registred. Fault reports are processed sequentially and/or parallel depending on their priority and daytime. The reports are sent to the appropriate individual as either voice messages, email or SMS. Because of the open "AMX" database architecture in MS SQL the customer could make further use of the already existing duty planning based on the MS Exchange Public Folder calendar whereby an expensive development of a customer specific interface became needless. The and AJAX based WEB solution allows fast modification and a complete reporting that provides a selectable list of every activity to the second.
AudioText Telecom AG joined the association of the Swiss installation contractors of safety installations SES. All of the SES-members pledge to keep manifold quality criterias and safety standards. SES-members are accredited by the Swiss insurance association (SVV) and the cantonal fire insurance association (VKF).
Together with Burkhalter Net Works, as a general contractor and provider of the Siemens HiPath 3800 telephone exchange and the hotel check-in system, we implemented the the AMX (Alarm Management) and the CMX (Communication Management) at the Sheraton Neues Schloss Hotel Zurich.
Nortel Grosskunden profitieren jetzt von neuen Leistungsmerkmalen im Alarmierungsbereich.
AudioText Telecom AG is a member of the "Nortel Open Developers" community and has applied for the highest partnership level, the "Nortel Compatible Product" for the AMX Alarm Management Server.
With our quality and the range of functions in the area of voice over IP (VoIP) we could convince our new business partner IBM Schweiz AG. Together we realize turnkey solutions in the area of "Alarm Management" in conjunction with a strong CISCO integration (SIP, XML)
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